【About Fixed Amount Tax Reduction Starting June 2024】
●What is “fixed amount tax reduction”?
This is a fixed amount tax reduction for income tax and resident tax for 2024.
Taxes will be reduced for the taxpayers and their dependents by 30,000 yen from income tax and 10,000 yen from resident tax, for a total of 40,000 yen per person.
Details are written about fixed amount tax reduction.
・What is “income tax”?
This is a tax levied on an individual’s income (revenue minus expenses, etc.). It affects people who receive a salary or bonus from a company, or those who earn profits from their own business.
※Details are written about the fixed amount tax reduction for income tax. ↓
・What is “resident tax”?
This is a tax that residents pay to the prefecture, city, district, town, or village where they live.
※Details are written about the fixed amount tax reduction for resident tax.↓
Shimin-zei-ka 0823-25-3193
Kure International Exchange Association 0823-25-5607
【Please Pay the Following Taxes by July 1st (Monday)】
●Deadline for Payment of City/Prefectural Tax 1st installment
▼Inquiries regarding city/prefectural tax: Shimin-zei-ka 0823-25-3193
《Payment methods》
・Pay at Kure City Hall’s Tax Collection Division, Civic Services Division, or each civic center (branch) (8:30am-5:15pm)
・Bring the payment to a convenience store, bank, post office, etc.
・Pay using a smartphone payment app
・Pay at bank or post office through “account transfer”
※Details on payment methods are provided. ↓
Regarding payments Shuno-ka 0823-25-3204
Kure International Exchange Association 0823-25-5607
【A multilingual life guidebook has been published】
Even if you leave a company, you are still required to be covered by health insurance in case of illness or injury. If you are no longer eligible for health insurance, please follow one of the following procedures:
“The Kure Life Guidebook for Foreigners” has been published in English, Chinese, Portuguese, and Vietnamese. It contains a lot of useful information for foreigners about life and administrative procedures.
It is distributed free of charge at the International Exchange Center on the 1st floor of the Kure City Hall, Tobu Chiku Foreign Resident Comprehensive Consultation Counter in Hiro Shimin Center, and every local Civic Center.
You can also download it from the Kure International Exchange Association’s website.
【Kure City Promotional Magazine “市政だより くれ” Available in English.】
1 Scan the QR Code.
2 Download and install the “Catalog Pocket” app.
3 Scan the QR Code again.