【Certificate of Residence Tax, etc.】
In April, you will be asked to submit Certificate of Income and Certificate of Taxation at your place of employment or school. The type and year of certificate required will differ depending on its purpose, so please check in advance before making a request.
▼ Types of certificates: Certificate of Income, Certificate of Taxation, Certificate of Tax
▼ Places where you can request the documents: Shimin-zei-ka, Shimin-madoguchi-ka, every local Civic Center, Shimin Service Corner
▼ Things to bring: Items that can confirm the identity of the person who comes to the counter (My Number (Personal Identification Number) Card, driver’s license, health insurance card, etc.)
※A power of attorney is required when a person from another household makes a request.
▼ Fees: 300 yen per request
※Certificate of Income and Certificate of Taxation can be picked up at convenience stores that have issuance service using My Number Card (200 yen per request; available every day from 6:30am to 11pm, excluding December 29th to January 3rd and system suspension days).
※The certificate for 2021 will be issued starting from June. The request form and power of attorney can be downloaded from the city’s homepage:
▼Contact: Shimin-zei-ka 0823-25-3193
【Have you forgotten to pay the insurance premiums for National Health Insurance or Late-Stage Elderly Healthcare Insurance?】
March is the final payment date for 2021’s premiums (National Health Insurance or Late-Stage Elderly Healthcare Insurance). Please check your payment slip again to make sure you have not forgotten to pay it.
For those whose payments are not withdrawn from the pensions (Special Collection), direct debit is convenient. Please apply for direct debit at a financial institution in the city.
▼Items required for direct debit: bank book or cash card, hanko used for the bank book, National Health Insurance Card or Late-Stage Elderly Healthcare Insurance Card
※If payment is not made within the due date, late payment fees may be charged.
▼Contact: Hoken-nenkin-ka (about National Health Insurance) 0823-25-3153
(about Late-Stage Elderly Healthcare Insurance) 0823-25-3156
【Joining Health Insurance is Mandatory even after Separation from Company】
Even if you leave a company, you are still required to be covered by health insurance in case of illness or injury. If you are no longer eligible for health insurance, please following one of the following procedures:
●Continuing with former company’s insurance (voluntary continuation)
Please complete the procedure your company within 20 days from the date of health insurance disqualification.
●Joining your family’s employer health insurance as a dependent relative
If your expected income is less than the standard amount and you are qualified as a dependent, please complete the procedure at your family’s workplace.
●Joining National Health Insurance
Please bring the Health Insurance Disqualification Certificate, Separation Notice from Employer, etc. and apply at Hoken-nenkin-ka,Shimin-madoguchi-ka, or every local Civic Center.
▼Contact: Hoken-nenkin-ka 0823-25-3158
【Kure City Promotional Magazine “市政だより くれ” Available in English.】
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