【Be Prepared for Typhoons】
[ Safety measures before a typhoon comes: ]
●Check your house and surrounding area and bring in anything which might get blown away.
●Make sure your drains are kept clear.
●Prepare your emergency bag (water, emergency rations and clothes etc.), infection prevention materials (masks, thermometer and wet tissues etc.) and make preparations for evacuation immediately.
●Confirm where and how to get to safe locations such as a relative`s house or a friend`s house in order to quickly evacuate there.
●Sign up to the Disaster Prevention Information Email Service to get the latest information on typhoons.
≪How to register for the Disaster Prevention Information Email Service≫
After scanning the QR code and sending a blank email through
the page, a URL code for registering your details will be sent to you.
For further information, please use the link below.
[ When a typhoon is approaching: ]
●Check weather information through data broadcasts from the NHK.
●Try to get the latest weather information on wind, rain and tides and be ready to take shelter quickly.
●Check information about disaster prevention within the city through emails with information about disaster prevention and emergency information or through the government radio system for disaster prevention and relief.
●Remain alert even after the typhoon has passed, as strong winds can return in the following one or two hours.
[ In case of an emergency: ]
●Move immediately to the evacuation point with your family and neighbors.
●Early evacuation is particularly recommended for those who cannot move quickly.
●Take as few personal items as you can in order to keep your hands free.
●When storms or rain are too severe to leave home, remain in a safe place in your house, such as upstairs, and, if your house is near a hillside, on the opposite side of the house from that.
▼Contact: Kiki-kanri-ka 0823 25 3326
【Child Allowance】
Genkyo todoke forms have been mailed to those who are receiving child allowance and should be completed and returned.
▼Deadline: Tuesday August 31
The front desk of Kosodate-shien-ka will be manned from 9:00-12:00 on Saturday August 21, and from 17:15-19:00 on Tuesday August 17 and Thursday August 26.
▼To: Kosodate-shien-ka (2F City Hall) or City Hall branches.
Those who may be eligible are advised to apply soon. If approved, the allowance will be paid in the month following the application. In cases that the amount of social welfare is lower than child allowance, the difference will be paid.
▼For: Fathers, mothers, or guardians of children who meet any of these requirements:
●whose parents are divorced
●if either parent is deceased
●if either parent is suffering specified disabilities
●if the whereabouts of either parent are unknown
●if abandoned by either parent for over one year
●if a domestic violence restraining order has been issued on either parent by the court
●if either parent has been imprisoned for over one year
●or if born to an unmarried mother ※Income restrictions apply.
▼Contact: Kosodate-shien-ka 0823 25 3173
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